Intro to Police Judo

10-Week Class for adults who are new to judo or restarting after a long break

Never Done Judo? No Experience Necessary!

Learn the fundamentals of break falls, judo and Police Judo techniques including basic throws and groundwork training with Instructor Launa Hinton.

All training for this program takes place on the custom-built sprung floor at our Odd Squad Productions at 5487 Lane St, Burnaby, BC. This floor type is gentle on the body and reduces impact from break falls, enabling students to practice techniques more safely while also providing a firm and stable surface.

Registration is now open for the current term:
September 19, 2024.

Classes are once a week, on Mondays from 5 pm to 6:30 pm.

The price is $200 for this 10-week program.

Click here to Register for this class via Zenplanner ➨

Our club uses Zenplanner to manage memberships. You will be able to track your attendance to classes, sign waivers, and manage your payments on this platform. If you continue to other classes in the future, you will continue using the same account that you will be creating there.


A few photos from the last Intro to Police Judo class session.


For more information about other ongoing classes and options please visit

Students of the "Intro to Police Judo" class are NOT required to purchase "The Law Enforcement Training Association (LETA)” membership fee. For more information about other programs that require this fee, visit
